2017-18 Wells Fargo Business Plan Competition

Statistics show that most new businesses fail due to the lack of business planning. The 2017-2018 Wells Fargo Business Plan Competition aims to help participants overcome business planning barriers. The program will provide training opportunities over the next 6 months to attendees at no cost. The winner of the competition will win prize money that will be used to assist with their startup business or expansion of an existing business.


Training Opportunities

To be eligible for the cash prize, competitors must attend at least four sessions. All sessions are free. Seating is limited and pre-registration is strongly recommended. Sessions are 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in Mitchell’s Workforce Development Building room 108 (701 W. Front St., Statesville).

October 20 – Session #1 Entrepreneurial Mindset and Collaboration                                                                                             

November 3 – Session #2 Business Concept and Marketing                             

December 1 – Session #3 Business Analysis and Operation                            

January 12 – Session #4 Financials for Business

February 16 – Session #5 Business Essentials               

March 16 – Session #6 Business Plan Presentations



Deadline for ALL Business Plan entries is April 9.



2017-2018 Additional Resources

Competition Timeline

Eligibility & Guidelines



Christy Hare 
(704) 878-3229


Suzanne Wallace
Director, Small Business Center
(704) 878-3227

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