Mitchell honors employee service and excellence

Mitchell honors employee service and excellence in education 

The following Mitchell employees were honored at the College’s Fall 2021 kickoff assembly on Friday, August 6, 2021:


5 Years of Service
Pam Barkley, Paula Guiton, Wayne James, Amanda Rhea, Beverly Rufty, Brian Stevenson


10 Years of Service
Adam Atwell, John Barkley, Melanie Bebler, T’Sha Harrison, Jason Hollar, Ben Pressley, Jasper Wagoner, Mark West


15 Years of Service
Erin Dubea, Emily Weddington, Chris Yockey


20 Years of Service
Tia Coleman, Mamie Houston, Lisa Taylor


30 Years of Service
Donna Arnett


R.D. Grier Excellence in Education
Kellie Kerley (Faculty); Diane Fisher (Adjunct Faculty); Jesus Gomez (Professional Staff); Jennie Kennison (Support Staff); Brian Stevenson (Facilities Staff)


In 1986, the Fanjoy family established the R.D. Grier Excellence in Education Award in honor of R. D. Grier’s devotion and contribution to the longevity of Mitchell Community College. Mr. Grier, before his death in 1993 at the age of 104, tirelessly served for many years as a charter member and chair of the Mitchell College Foundation. Earnings from the Grier Excellence in Education Endowment, with support from the Board of Trustees, make it possible for the College to honor outstanding members of its staff each year for exemplary service in the categories of Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, Professional Staff, Support Staff, and Facilities Staff.


Pictured above (L-R): 2021 R.D. Grier Excellence in Education Award winners Brian Stevenson (Facilities Staff); Diane Fisher (Adjunct Faculty); Jennie Kennison (Support Staff); Jesus Gomez (Professional Staff); Kellie Kerley (Faculty)

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