Student Rights and Responsibilities 

Student Rights

As a student with a disability, you have distinct rights at Mitchell Community College:

  • You have the right to confidentiality
  • You have the right to reasonable access to programs and services offered to the public.
  • You have the right to reasonable accommodations to ensure your college success.


Student Responsibilities

Students with disabilities often arrive at college with the misunderstanding that they will receive the same services and accommodations they had in high school. This is not the case. Colleges focus on providing access to educational programs and campus life to allow students to succeed with reasonable accommodation. 

As a college student with a disability, you have a responsibility to:

  • Act as an independent adult.
  • Self-identify or disclose a disability.
  • Provide verifying documentation.
  • Obtain assessment and test results and provide them to the college.
  • Arrange your own weekly schedule.
  • Contact the Accessibility Services Office regarding requests for accommodations.
  • Arrange for personal tutoring.

Colleges are NOT required to:

  • Reduce or adjust the essential requirements of a course or program.
  • Conduct testing and assessment of learning disabilities.
  • Provide personal attendants.
  • Provide personal or private tutors.
  • Prepare Individual Educational Plans (IEPs).


Mitchell Community College complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a comprehensive mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The College also complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Subpart E) and the NC Persons with Disabilities Protection Act.

Comparing High School and College Accommodations for Disabilities

Student Code of Conduct

Source: This material was developed in conjunction with the NC Association on Higher Education and Disability.

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