Getting Your Transcripts Sent to Mitchell

High School Transcript If you are currently enrolled in high school, you may request that your high school transcript is sent to Mitchell during the application process on, or you may request a copy from your high school’s counseling office by printing a Request for Transcript form.

Once you graduate from high school, a final transcript must be submitted. If not requested on during the application process, you may print a Request for Transcript form to submit to your high school’s counseling office.


High School Equivalency Diploma If you obtained a high school equivalency diploma in North Carolina, you will need to request your records from DiplomaSender (link opens in a new page). Please note: DiplomaSender does not work on Internet Explorer.

If you obtained your high school equivalency diploma outside of North Carolina, you will need to submit official high school equivalency certification. Official documents vary by state and year in which they were achieved. If you have questions about whether your documentation is acceptable, contact Admissions and Records at (704) 978-5493 or  

College Transcript If you have attended college prior to enrolling at Mitchell and wish to receive transfer credit and use credits to meet prerequisites, you need to submit official college transcripts. Simply print the Request for Transcript form, complete it and submit it to the registrar’s office at the college you attended previously. If you attended multiple colleges, you will need to request a transcript from each college.

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