Why Mitchell?

A degree will boost your earnings

Associate degree graduates make on average $6,552 more per year than do workers with only a high school diploma.  


College transfer degrees save money

Save at least $20,000 by completing the first two years of college at Mitchell Community College.


High school students earn college credits

The Career and College Promise program gives ambitious high school students the opportunity to take college classes at Mitchell without paying tuition.


Workforce training classes

Train for work and qualify for new employment opportunities or get the continuing education you need for the job you have.

Personal enrichment classes add a new dimension

Take classes for fun and get the essential skills to take up a new hobby or take an online course in a subject that interests you.


Special credit students pick up the courses they need

Take a transfer course or two over the summer or pick up courses you need for work or new educational opportunities as a special credit student.


Online classes are convenient

A range of online classes make it easier to fit school into a busy schedule.

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