Academic Advising Goals for Students
- Understand how to achieve balance: academics, family, work, recreation and social activities.
- Connect your educational plan to your career and/or personal goals.
- Value general education requirements and how they help you achieve your goals.
- Value regular and continued advising as you proceed toward graduation.
- Make the most of your advising sessions. They’re about you and your goals, after all!
Your primary responsibilities include:
- Reading the catalog carefully.
- Being familiar with college programs and requirements and transfer information, if appropriate.
- Maintaining a file of important college documents.
- Developing self-awareness and student success skills
- Keeping scheduled appointments.
- Following through on recommendations from your advising sessions.
- Accessing and making use of all needed resources on campus.
- Accepting ultimate responsibility for your decisions and actions.
- Scheduling advising appointments as needed
- Being prepared to each advising session
- Displaying respect for the advisor and have a positive attitude toward the advising process
- Being an active learner by participating fully in the advising experience
- Abiding by the Student Code of Conduct
- Becoming knowledgeable about academic programs, policies, and procedures and use available resources and services
- Asking questions if you do not understand an issue or have a concern
- Checking all student communication platforms and degree audits often to keep track of academic progress
Your advisor’s primary responsibilities include:
- Providing up-to-date information about college and program requirements, policies, and procedures.
- Providing a respectful, supportive atmosphere.
- Keeping accurate records.
- Assisting students in understanding the purposes and goals of higher education and its effects on personal goals.
- Providing students with information about educational opportunities outside of the classroom.
- Understanding and effectively communicating MCC’s departmental policies, core requirements, and degree requirements.
- Being reasonably accessible and available to students.
- Encouraging and guiding students to define clear and realistic educational plans.
- Providing appropriate resources and referrals.
- Listening carefully to questions, concerns, and issues.
- Assisting students in working with, and developing professional relationships with mentors, advisors, faculty and staff.
- Monitoring and accurately documenting student progress towards meeting academic goals.
- Maintaining confidentiality and follow MCC’s policies and FERPA regulations.
- Continually reassessing academic plan and courses in light of changing goals and overall academic performance.
- Upholding ethical standards during the advising process.