Career and College Promise College Transfer Pathways

The Career and College Promise program is designed specifically for high school students who want to start their college careers while they are still enrolled in a public or private high school or a home school.

Utilizing a College Transfer Pathway, students may earn credits guaranteed to transfer between NC Community Colleges and University of North Carolina campuses, as well as many private colleges and universities. These transfer agreements are covered by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement or the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement.

Students may enroll in a single College Transfer Pathway or combine a transfer pathway with a Career and Technical Education Pathway to learn valuable job skills while earning college credit.


Career and College Promise College Transfer Pathway Requirements

To be eligible for Career and College Promise, a student must be a high school junior or senior with an unweighted grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 or higher OR demonstrate college readiness in English, reading and mathematics. Eligibility may be demonstrated by achieving the required scores on a single test or by combining test scores from any of the approved assessments.

Students must choose one College Transfer Pathway.

Students may enroll in a Career and Technical Education Pathway, in addition to their College Transfer Pathway, with permission from the high school principal/designee and Mitchell’s Chief Academic Officer. 

Students must select courses within their declared pathway(s). Substitutions are not allowed.

With permission from the high school principal/designee and Mitchell’s Chief Academic Officer, students may change pathways. Submit a Change of Pathway form to make the request. All requests require a valid reason for the change and supporting documentation. Multiple changes of pathways may not be granted.

Career and College Promise students must complete the mandatory online orientation before registering for courses.



Hannah Scott, Career and College Promise Coordinator
(704) 978-1323

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