Maquette of Final Sculpture Element

This 2013 Faculty Incentive Grant project, proposed and conducted by our Art Instructor, was a collaboration between the art class and Al Lofland’s welding class.  


The sculpture students experienced the process of making an outdoor sculpture from beginning to end. They began with the instructor’s maquette (above) and measured it. Following this, they enlarged those measurements, then transferred them to a large piece of 1/4″ mild steel. They also transferred the angles on the maquette to the larger piece of metal and marked all the necessary lines for the welding class.




Students Working on Transfer of Maquette to Metal
Al Lofland's Welding Class Working on Sculpture Fabrication

Al’s class received the benefit of having an actual ‘customer’ for the product they were to produce. They took the lines that were laid out by the sculpture class and cut them and then used the maquette so that they could properly transfer the angles represented on the small scale to the large scale final sculpture.  



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