Financial Aid and Scholarships

Don’t let financial barriers stand in the way of your education and success. We can help you find ways to reach your goals and pursue your dreams. Learn the facts and utilize our tuition calculator to see how affordable Mitchell Community College can be. We invite you to contact a financial aid advisor to find out about payment options, financial aid and scholarships that can help you become a Mitchell student. To complete the package, we suggest exploring textbook rental at the campus bookstore.

CARES Act Information

*NEW* North Carolina Longleaf Commitment Grant Information
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Financial Aid Steps

Learn more about the process of completing the application process to receive financial aid and scholarships at Mitchell.

The first step in applying for financial aid is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA):

MCC’s school code is 002947. Please note that you must also complete the Mitchell admissions process before the Financial Aid Office will be able to review the results of your FAFSA application.

To complete the FAFSA, you and your parents (if you are under the age of 24) will need to create an FSA ID (an account username and password). The FSA ID is used to electronically sign the FAFSA. Please keep your FSA ID in a safe place because you may need it to make corrections to your FAFSA and to reapply for aid in the future.

 The following information will be needed for the online application, so have it handy:

  • 2021 Federal Income Tax Return (Form 1040)
  • 2021 W-2 forms
  • Driver’s license number (student only)
  • Social Security Number (student)
  • If you are under the age of 24, have no children, and are not married, you are classified as a dependent student and you will need your parents’ 2021 Federal Income Tax return and W-2s
  • Parents’ Social Security Number (dependent students only)
  • Parents’ Date of Birth (dependent students only)

(Note:  You may be able to transfer your federal tax return information into your FAFSA using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool.)

Other information you may need (as applicable):

  • Bank statements and records of investment 
  • Records of your Untaxed Income 
  • Record of amount of child support paid OR received
  • Pensions, annuities, retirement income

Dates You Plan to Attend College


Income Tax Year Info Required

July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

(available 10/1/2022)



After processing your FAFSA, the Department of Education (DoE) will send you a Student Aid Report (SAR). The SAR summarizes the information you submitted on the FAFSA. In addition, the SAR contains comments alerting you of any incomplete information required for processing your FAFSA. It is very important you review your SAR carefully.

The federal government may randomly select your FAFSA for a process called verification. If selected, MCC’s Financial Aid Office will request additional student and/or parent documents. You will be notified of the request for information via letter and email. It is important to provide the requested documents in a timely manner. Once all of the requested documentation is returned to our office and processed, you will be notified of your financial aid eligibility.


Scholarship Opportunities 

For more information, please call (704) 978-5435 or email

Financial Aid Forms and Resources

The following forms support fillable fields with Adobe Reader. If your browser does not automatically show fields as fillable when you open the form, click the box on the top right of the screen “Open With Different Viewer.”  Choose “Open with Adobe Reader.”  Complete the form and print.

Financial Aid Policies

Financial Aid is essential for so many students to be able to attend college. It’s important to know the federal, state and college rules on getting financial aid and maintaining eligibility for future semesters. 

The U.S. Department of Education requires financial aid recipients to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to be eligible for financial aid. Mitchell’s policy applies SAP standards to all federal, state and institutional financial aid programs.


Minimum Requirements

1) Completion Rate
You must successfully complete at least 67 percent of all credit hours attempted.
2) Grade Point Average
You must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 as calculated by the Financial Aid Office. The calculation includes developmental coursework.
3) Timeframe
You must complete your program of study without exceeding 150 percent of the credit hours required. All credit hours attempted are counted. Changing programs of study does not allow you to attempt more credits utilizing financial aid.

If you do not meet any of the minimum requirements, you will be placed on Financial Aid Warning status for a semester. At the end of the semester you will be reviewed for Satisfactory Academic Progress, and either awarded Satisfactory status or suspended from receiving financial aid. 

Measuring Satisfactory Academic Progress
The formula for measuring satisfactory academic progress includes a qualitative measure of progress and a quantitative measure of progress.


Qualitative Measure (Grade Point Requirement)
You must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) as calculated by the Financial Aid Office. This GPA may be different than what appears on your transcript. For example, developmental courses are not included in calculating the GPA on a transcript, but are included in calculations for financial aid. You must have a “C” average at the end of two academic years to graduate.


Quantitative Measure (Completion Requirement)
You must successfully progress through your educational programs at a prescribed pace to ensure program completion within the maximum timeframe. Pace is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of hours you have successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours you have attempted, regardless of enrollment status. Transfer credits are included in both the attempted and completed hours. If you successfully earn 67 percent of the total cumulative credits attempted in your program of study and for each semester enrolled, you should complete the program within the maximum timeframe.


Pace is measured at the end of each semester by the Financial Aid Office.


Pace calculation example:
A student attempts 12 credits in the fall semester and successfully completes 12 credits.

The student has earned 100 percent of the credits attempted.

In the spring, the student attempts 18 credits and successfully completes 15.

Student has a cumulative total of 27 credits completed.

The cumulative total of attempted credits is 30.

Pace: 27 credit hours÷30 credit hours = 90%.


Maximum Time Frame (MTF)
Your maximum time frame to complete a program utilizing financial aid cannot exceed 150 percent of the published length of the program. If you change majors, the total hours continue to accrue regardless of program completion.


Maximum Time Frame example:
If an academic program requires 68 credit hours to complete a degree, a student may attempt a maximum of 102 credit hours before exceeding his/her eligibility for financial aid.
MTF: 68 credit hours X 150%=102 credit hours

Students who receive a “W” or “WF” will have those credits included in the number of attempted hours and they will not count as successful completed hours. 


Students who receive an “I” will have those credit hours included in the number of attempted hours. If the “I” is converted to an actual grade, the credit hours attempted and earned will be used in the computation to determine satisfactory academic progress.


Repeated Course

The highest grade is recorded as the final grade for a repeated course. The grade points and credit hours earned will be used in the computation of satisfactory academic progress.

Developmental Education courses are included in the computation of satisfactory academic progress. However, only up to one academic year’s worth, equivalent to 30 semester hours, can be counted in your enrollment status for federal aid. Developmental credit hours earned in excess of 30 semester hours cannot be counted towards enrollment status for federal and state grants.

To ensure financial aid applicants and recipients of financial aid are making sufficient progress, each student’s progress will be evaluated by the Financial Aid Office at the end of each semester. Both qualitative and quantitative progress will be analyzed.


Satisfactory Academic Progress Statuses

Students who meet the qualitative and quantitative measure and maximum time frame requirements. 

Financial Aid Warning
The first time students fail to meet SAP standards, they are placed on Financial Aid Warning for one semester and may continue to receive financial aid for one semester. No appeal is necessary. Students are responsible for meeting SAP standards by the end of the warning period. 


Financial Aid Suspension
Students who fail to regain SAP during their semester under Financial Aid Warning are placed on Financial Aid Suspension. Students placed on Financial Aid Suspension are no longer eligible for financial aid and their financial aid is terminated. 


Financial Aid Probation
Students are placed on Financial Aid Probation when their financial aid is reinstated as result of an approved appeal. Students must follow and meet the conditions of their Academic Plan developed during the appeal process to remain on continued probation. 


Maximum Time Frame
Students are designated Maximum Time Frame when their enrollment exceeds 150 percent of the published length of the educational program.  Students will be notified by the Financial Aid Office of their SAP status for financial aid by letter and/or email. 

ould you lose your eligibility for financial aid, you may have your eligibility reinstated if:


1) You attend college and pay without receiving federal or state aid and meet the qualitative and quantitative components of the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirement.

Once Satisfactory Academic Progress is met, your financial aid eligibility will be reinstated for the beginning of the next semester of attendance. Financial aid awards are dependent upon you qualifying for financial aid. Funds must be available.



2) You make a successful appeal through the Financial Aid Appeal Process.

You may appeal financial aid suspension or maximum time frame by completing an appeal form. You must explain what has changed in your situation that will allow SAP to be met by the next SAP evaluation.


Appeals must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office with supporting documentation to verify mitigating or extenuating circumstances surrounding the appeal. Examples of mitigating or extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to the death of a family member, separation or divorce, an accident or an illness. Appeals submitted without supporting documentation will not be reviewed.


The Financial Aid Committee will review appeals and you will be notified by letter of the committee’s decision. You should be prepared to pay tuition and fees by the published deadline, even though you have filed an appeal. If the appeal is approved after tuition and fees are paid, you may be reimbursed based on your eligibility and enrollment.

If you appeal financial aid suspension successfully, you will be given an academic plan to help put you on track to successful program completion.

Your academic plan may be individualized. For example, your plan could require you to earn and maintain a minimum 2.5 semester GPA and have a 100 percent completion rate for your courses.



A student who attempts 12 credit hours and successfully completes 12 has a 100 percent completion rate.

Your plan may be as complicated as a course-by-course plan toward degree completion. There may be other conditions included in the academic plan depending on your individual situation.

Federal Pell Grant funds have a lifetime limit of 12 semesters. The same provisions apply to students eligible for the NC Community College Grant.

The calculation of the duration of your eligibility will include all years that you have received Federal Pell Grant funding.

Learn more about calculating Federal Pell Grant limits.

The Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Public Law 105-244 require colleges to calculate the Return of Title IV Funds Policy when a recipient of Title IV aid completely withdraws from the college through the 60 percent point during a payment period. The institution must calculate the amount(s) of Title IV aid the student earned and return the unearned portion(s) of the Title IV fund(s) to the Title IV program(s). The institution and student may be required to return unearned Title IV funds to the Title IV programs.

A student’s withdrawal date is determined:

(1)    when a student begins the institution’s withdrawal process; or notifies the institution of their intent to withdraw, is the last date of academic attendance as determined by the school from its attendance records in class(es).

(2)    when a student is unofficially withdrawn by instruction, the last date of academic attendance is determined by the attendance records in class(es).

Under the new regulations effective July 1, 2021, for all programs offered in modules, a student is considered withdrawn for Title IV purposes if the student ceases attendance and is not scheduled to begin another course within a payment period or period of enrollment for more than 45 calendar days after the end of the module the student ceased attending, unless the school obtains written confirmation from the student that he or she will attend a later module in the same payment period or period of enrollment. If a school obtains a written confirmation of future attendance but the student does not return as scheduled, the student is considered to have withdrawn.

In addition, a student is not considered to have withdrawn, if the student successfully completes:

(1)All requirements for graduation from his or her program before completing the days or hours in the period that the student was scheduled to complete

(2)One module that includes 49% or more of the number of days in the payment period

(3)A combination of modules that when combined contain 49% or more of the number of days in the payment period; or

(4)Coursework equal to or greater than the coursework required for the institution’s definition of a half-time student.

The Financial Aid Office determines if the student was a recipient of Title IV funds who withdrew prior to the 60 percent point and performs the Return of Tile IV Funds calculation. Under this policy, the school determines the amount of Title IV funds a student has earned and returns the unearned portion. The Financial Aid Office sends written notification to the student informing the student of the amount owed no later than thirty calendar days after the date of the school’s determination that the student withdrew. The school must return any unearned Title IV funds it is responsible for within 45 days of the date the school determined the student withdrew.

If the Return of Title IV funds calculation determines the student received less Title IV funds than the amount earned, the institution must make a post-withdrawal disbursement to the student of the earned aid that was not received within 180 days of the date the institution determines the student withdrew. In order to make a post-withdrawal disbursement, the school must have a processed Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) with an official Expected Family Contribution (EFC). To be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement, the student must also meet all Federal Guidelines outlined by the Department of Education. For a student who withdraws after the 60% point in time, a R2T4 calculation will be performed to determine whether the student is eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement.

A school must return Title IV funds to the programs from which the student received aid, in the following order:



If applicable, funds must also be returned to the State Grant Funds.

NOTE: The Return to Title IV Funds policy is separate from Mitchell Community College’s institutional refund policy.

During the Registration Period

Schedule adjustments during registration should be made through Self-Service. 


During the Drop/Add Period

Schedule adjustments during Drop/Add must be made in person in the Student Services centers located on the Statesville or Mooresville campus.   


After the Drop/Add Period

You must submit a withdrawal form to the Student Records office located in Statesville and Mooresville. If you receive financial aid and/or veterans’ benefits, you must have the forms signed by the financial aid specialist and/or VA coordinator. If you are a Career and College Promise or early college student, you must see your designated liaison prior to dropping a class. Note the withdrawal deadlines published in the Academic Calendar.

Disbursement of Financial Aid Refunds

If you are due a financial aid refund, it will be mailed to you at the address that Mitchell Community College has on file in the Records Office.

*Should you have any change of address, it is important that you report it to the Records Office immediately to ensure receipt of your refund check.

Financial Aid Refund Schedule 2022-23

Fall 2022 – September 23, 2022
Spring 2023– February 17, 2023
Summer 2023 – June 16, 2023

*subsequent refunds are generated on the 15th of each month following.

Financial Aid / Veterans Affairs Team


Mark West, Financial Aid Specialist
Federal Work Study Coordinator/Serves students based on last name A – L
(704) 978-1352


Rachel Knox, Financial Aid Specialist
Child Care/Scholarship Coordinator/Serves students based on last name M – Z
(704) 878-3255


Gwen Ramirez, Financial Aid Specialist
Return to Title IV Coordinator/Serves students on Mooresville Campus
(704) 878-3254


Amanda Tompkins, Veteran Affairs Specialist
(704) 878-3295


Candace Cooper, Financial Aid Director
(704) 878-3256


Financial Aid Office
(704) 978-5435

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