Mitchell releases Equity and Inclusion report

Mitchell releases Equity and Inclusion report 

Mitchell Community College’s Office of Equity and Inclusion (E&I) and the Equity and Inclusion Council (EIC) recently released its Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan end of year report on actions, events and initiatives for the 2020-2021 academic year.  The full report, along with additional EIC information and resources can be found at


The E&I Strategic Plan is an ongoing campus-wide intentional effort supporting equality of student outcomes through collaboration with areas across the College including the Curriculum Division and Student Service Division.  Other objectives also address structural and procedural challenges, as well as identifying organizational indicators of competency relative to equity, inclusion, and diversity.


Mitchell’s diversity work began in the 1990’s and has evolved through the years to promote inclusion and equity across Mitchell campuses and in the College community. Originally titled the Diversity Task Force then the Diversity Enrichment Committee, the EIC has expanded its mission and scope.


Mitchell’s EIC defines inclusion as the recognition of the inherent worth and dignity of all people, and the value and respect for their talents, beliefs, and backgrounds. The EIC strives to ensure all students, faculty, staff, and community members who come to campus feel a sense of belonging in which they can bring their ‘whole selves’ to campus in order to reach their highest potential.


Diversity–a central focus of the EIC–includes the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs. The EIC also works in the area of equity, moving beyond equality, toward giving every individual what is needed to be successful individually. Equity is the outcome when race/socio-economic status/ability level/gender will no longer be a predictor of academic success, health, education, income, etc.


The EIC includes three subcommittees which work to promote activities, events, professional development, and resources on campus.

Resource Team

Research, identify and/or develop articles, books, YouTube videos and other educational tools/materials related to diversity and inclusion to enhance the awareness, knowledge and skills development of Mitchell’s faculty, staff and students.

Events and Program Team

Develop, plan and implement activities, programs and events related to equity, diversity and inclusion.

Curriculum Infusion Team

Provide the needed information, tools, experiences and instructional assistance to faculty and administrators to ensure that they are prepared to provide Mitchell’s students with the awareness, knowledge and skills to be competitive in a diverse and global workforce and world.


The EIC and the Equity and Inclusion Office at Mitchell continue to work in the areas of unconscious bias, privilege, empathy, dialogue, and differing realities as we strive for Mitchell Community College to be a culturally responsive institution.


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