Student Handbook

Click this link or the image below to view the PDF form of the 2023-2024 Student Handbook or view links to helpful resources from the handbook below.


General College Information


Administration and Board of Trustees

Campus Locations and Maps

Consumer Information 


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

History of College


Non-Discrimination Statement and Policy 

Open Door Policy

Title IX Information


Admissions, Advising and Registration

Admissions Information

Student Advising

How to Apply 




High School Students Admission

Career & College Promise (CCP)

College Transfer Pathways (CCP)

Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathways (CCP)

Application Procedures (CCP)

Early College High School


Corporate and Continuing Education

Adult Basic Education, Adult High School and GED courses

Classes For Fun

English as a Second Language

Small Business Center 

Work-Based Learning


Financial Aid and Veterans Benefits

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Veterans Education Benefits


Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees 

Refund Policy



Academic Policies

Academic Course Load

Accessibility Services

Academic Integrity Form

Attendance Expectations

Attendance Policy

Academic Probation

Academic Re-Instatement

Academic Suspension

Change of Schedule

Credit for Prior Learning

Credit Hour and Coursework

Degree and Enrollment Verification 

Distance Learning and Online Classes


Grade Appeal

Graduation Information

Graduation Eligibility

Withdrawal Policy 

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Student Records

Transcript Request 

Visiting Non-Degree Seeking Students


Campus Safety

Campus Safety and Security 

Campus Crime Statistics

Emergency Notifications Sign Up

Parking Passes

Privacy Policy

Report an Incident 

Student IDs


 Student Rights, Responsibilities and Judicial Procedures 

Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions

Student Grievance Procedure

Student Grievance and Accessibility Services


Programs and Services Overview

Agribusiness Technology 

Basic Skills Program

Career and College Promise

College Transfer Programs in the Arts and Sciences

Computer Technologies 

Engineering and Construction Technology

Health Sciences 

Public Service Programs



Articulation Agreements


Career Services

Clubs and Organizations

Emotional and Mental Health Counseling

English as a Second Language

Financial Aid


Small Business Center

Student Ambassadors 

Student Government Association 

Student Life 

Student Support Services

Testing & Assessment Centers 

Tutoring Center

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