Student Grievance Procedure

The purpose of the grievance procedure is to provide students with a system to channel complaints against Mitchell Community College faculty, staff or administration concerning the following: (1) alleged discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, ability or other conditions; (2) sexual harassment; (3) academic matters, excluding individual grades, except where the conditions in (above) item number one apply; or (4) Failure to comply with State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) requirements.


Details of the grievance procedure are published on page 27 in the Student Handbook.  To initiate a grievance review, complete the form linked here.  The form is submitted directly to the Vice President for Student Services, who will respond to students within five business days of receiving this grievance.


NOTE: Students who wish to appeal grades should contact Richard Zollinger, Interim Vice President for Instruction, at or (704) 878-3264.

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